
Be Advised

Moisture on Window

When we turn on our home heating systems each

fall, many of us experience condensation, or steam,

on windows. Condensation requires a cool surface

and moisture in the air. When the temperature of

the glass drops below the dew point of the inside

air, invisible water vapor in the air condenses on the cool glass.

Over the summer, moisture slowly accumulates in furniture,

walls, woodwork, cloth and other surfaces. In the fall, as the

exterior temperature drops for the first time, some of this

moisture condenses on cold window glass.

Most moisture leaks out of your home as your furnace runs

and vent fans are used. Eventually, all the materials in your

home dry out and moisture stops condensing on the windows.

This normally takes a few weeks. Keeping drapery and window

treatments away from the glass area allows a good flow of air

over the windows and helps reduce condensation quicker.

If condensation continues to form on windows after several

weeks, your home may have excessive moisture. Most

moisture problems can be solved by limiting sources of

moisture and improving ventilation.

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